I have just made a startling revelation! There are other good blogs on the Internet besides just mine! I was amazed at what strong competition I have! On my planet, when we are challenged we assimilate. When the Spectalons beat us at The Galactic Bingo challenge, we started putting 9 in the top left corner, just like they did. When Alpha 6 started winning more karaoke contests than we did, we started singing David Bowie songs like they did.
For me, blogging will be no different. I will study these blogs, find their strengths, and absorb like there is no tomorrow! So far, I have noticed one similarity in many popular blogs. They call things out! They find something that is silly or stupid, and they point out how silly or stupid that thing is!
Perez Hilton runs a pretty popular blog where he calls out celebrities for saying stupid things, having failed careers, and being promiscuous in a sexual manner! He emphasizes his call outs by taking photographs of them, and inserting captions of his own design. Take that, celebrities! Of course, now Perez Hilton is a bit of a celebrity himself. I hope he calls himself out! That would be a post that could break the time space continuum!
I wonder if I should work on this blog breaking the time space continuum so I could do it before him. That sure would be one-upping, like when we stole the Spectalons bingo cards! Although the referee considered it more cheating than one-upping, but I think that was just an error in translation. Spectalon is a very confusing language.
Another blog famous for calling things out is Regretsy. Its creator finds the most ridiculous products for sale on Internet website Etsy.com, where creative types can sell their arts and crafts. I don't know the difference between arts and crafts, but Regretsy calls out both with equal ferocity!
One popular feature on Regretsy is "Things That Are Not Steampunk," where they call out items that claim to be steampunk, but in reality, are not steampunk. I could do a feature like that on this blog. I could call it "Things That Are Not a Telephone." I could post photos of things that are not telephones, and call them out for it.

That is not a telephone! Not even close!
Not even cakes are safe from being called out by bloggers. Internet blog Cake Wrecks calls out cakes for being ugly, inedible-looking, or misspelled. I was amazed how many humans cannot spell Congratulations! I too could call out inanimate objects. That would be a lot easier than calling out actual people, because they would not seek revenge. Alpha 6 took all the air out of our tires after we won karaoke using Space Oddity.
Therefore, hey! Eiffel Tower! 1889 called! It wants its Victorian Structural Expressionist style back!
I think this is the start of something wonderful.
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